A total of 194 bird species have been recorded at (YWT) Sprotbrough Flash since 1957 within a catchment area which comprises of the Flash, Pot ridings wood, Levitt hagg wood, Sprotbrough plantation, Limestone meadow, (TPT) Trans pennine trail and river Don at Sprotbrough. Additional areas where birds are known to travel into or through the catchment area have also been included for recording purposes. Listed below is part 2 of the comprehensive bird list (click to expand individual bird data). Cetti's warbler ringed in 2019.
101 Rock dove / Feral pigeon columba livia
102 Stock dove columba oenas
103 Wood pigeon columba palumbus
104 Collared dove streptopelia decaocto
105 Turtle dove streptopelia turtur
106 Cuckoo cuculus canorus
107 Barn owl tyto alba
108 Little owl athene noctua
109 Tawny owl strix aluco
110 Long-eared owl asio otus
111 Short-eared owl asio flammeus
112 Swift apus apus
113 Kingfisher alcedo atthis
114 Green woodpecker picus viridis
115 Great spotted woodpecker dendrocopos major
116 Lesser spotted woodpecker dendrocopos minor
117 Wryneck Jynx torquilla
118 Great grey shrike lanius excubitor
119 Magpie Pica pica
120 Jay garrulus glandarius
121 Jackdaw corvus monedula
122 Rook corvus frugilegus
123 Carrion crow corvus corone
124 Raven corvus corax
125 Goldcrest regulus regulus
126 Firecrest regulus ignicapilla
127 Blue tit cyanistes caeruleus
128 Great tit parus major
129 Coal tit periparus ater
130 Willow tit poecile montana
131 Marsh tit poecile palustris
132 Skylark alauda arvensis
133 Sand martin riparia riparia
134 Barn swallow hirundo rustica
135 House martin delichon urbicum
136 Cetti's warbler cettia cetti
137 Long-tailed tit aegithalos caudatus
138 Wood warbler phylloscopus sibilatrix
139 Chiffchaff phylloscopus collybita
140 Willow warbler phylloscopus trochilus
141 Blackcap sylvia atricapilla
142 Garden warbler sylvia borin
143 Barred warbler sylvia nisoria
144 Lesser whitethroat sylvia curruca
145 Common whitethroat sylvia communis
146 Grasshopper warbler locustella naevia
147 Sedge warbler acrocephalus schoenobaenus
148 Reed warbler acrocephalus scirpaceus
149 Waxwing bombycilla garrulus
150 Nuthatch sitta europaea
151 Treecreeper certhia familiaris
152 Wren troglodytes troglodytes
153 Starling sturnus vulgaris
154 Ring ouzel turdus torquatus
155 Blackbird turdus merula
156 Fieldfare turdus pilaris
157 Song thrush turdus philomelos
158 Redwing turdus ilacus
159 Mistle thrush turdus viscivorus
160 Spotted flycatcher muscicapa striata
161 Robin erithacus rubecula
162 Nightingale luscinia megarhynchos
163 Bluethroat luscinia svecica
164 Pied flycatcher ficedula hypoleuca
165 Common redstart phoenicurus phoenicurus
166 Black redstart phoenicurus ochruros
167 Whinchat saxicola rubetra
168 Stonechat saxicola rubicola
169 Northern wheatear oenanthe oenanthe
170 Dunnock prunella modularis
171 House sparrow passer domesticus
172 Tree sparrow passer montanus
173 Yellow wagtail motacilla flava
174 Grey wagtail motacilla cinerea
175 Pied/White wagtail motacilla alba
176 Tree pipit anthus trivialis
177 Meadow pipit anthus pratensis
178 Chaffinch fringilla coelebs
179 Brambling fringilla montifringilla
180 Greenfinch carduelis chloris
181 Goldfinch carduelis carduelis
182 Siskin carduelis spinus
183 Linnet carduelis cannabina
184 Twite linaria flavirostris
185 Lesser redpoll carduelis cabaret
186 Mealy redpoll carduelis flammea
187 Crossbill loxia curvirostra
188 Bullfinch pyrrhula pyrrhula
189 Hawfinch coccothraustes coccothraustes
190 Snow bunting plectrophenax nivialis
191 Yellowhammer emberiza citrinella
192 Bearded reedling panurus biarmicus
193 Reed bunting emberiza schoeniclus
194 Corn bunting emberiza calandra
Birds recorded before 1957:
Leach’s storm petrel (shot 1837) and Corncrake
Escapee's noted at the flash:
Zebra finch, Red-billed leothrix, Trumpeter finch, Cockatiel, Eastern rosella, Budgerigar, Common waxbill, Canary, Chiloe wigeon, Bar-headed Goose, Muscovy duck, American wood duck, Red-tailed hawk, Black swan, Rhea and Ostrich.