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Lesvos birding - Trip report 2024

Writer's picture: Martin RoperMartin Roper

Updated: Jul 12, 2024

A Rüppell's warbler is singing on top of Genista bathed in early morning sunshine, its spring again and we're on the Greek Island of Lesvos, with it's rich and diverse habitats and a well established birding infrastructure. Attracting around 330 species of birds it's easy to see why Lesvos remains a popular destination for a European birding holiday and the best time to visit is April and May during migration, with this in mind we booked a package holiday from Manchester with Jet 2, the UK's only direct carrier. Below: Male Rüppell's warbler.

Arriving on the 28th of April and staying in Skala Kalloni at the Aegeon hotel we had a ground floor room with a great view of the Christou marsh and river mouth. The water level was high compared to previous years making it ideal for birding from our balcony particularly early mornings before sun and heat haze made sightings a little more challenging.

Our room with a view at the Aegeon (Pictured left).

Highlights from balcony birding: Bar-tailed godwit, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Stone curlew, Little stint, Kentish plover, Ringed plover, Little ringed plover, Grey plover, Temminck's stint, Whimbrel, Common tern, Little tern, Caspian tern, Hobby, Marsh harrier, Long-legged buzzard, Common kestrel, Common buzzard, Squacco heron, Purple heron, Curlew sandpiper, Yellow-legged gull and Greater flamingo (pictured below).

28-04-24 Day 1

Our rental car had already arrived so we sorted out our birding gear and headed out. At the bandstand near the Tsiknias river a Common nightingale was singing along with a Cetti's warbler, Corn bunting and Black-headed bunting while Bee-eaters (right) and Swifts circled overhead. At the Kalloni saltpans 2m+2f Montagu's were observed hawking the field.

Sightings 38 birds including: Ruddy shelduck, Great crested grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Squacco heron, Grey heron, Little egret, Montagu’s harrier (2m+2f), Moorhen, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Wood sandpiper, Curlew sandpiper, Ruff, Yellow-legged gull, Rock dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Hooded crow, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Cetti’s warbler, Willow warbler, Great reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Blackbird, Nightingale, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Corn bunting, Greenfinch, Black headed bunting. Below: hawking female Montagu's harrier.

29-04-24 Day 2

Before breakfast we headed to Metochi lake, spotting Little bittern and Little crake. Afterwards we called over to the Mini soccer pitch, Kalloni where we had a Scops owl (right). Yellow wagtail was recorded at Kalloni saltpans and returning along the Tsiknias river a possible juvenile Steppe buzzard was observed being harassed by several Hooded crows.

Sightings 71 birds with 75 for the trip to date including: Common Shelduck, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Glossy ibis, Little bittern, Grey heron, Squacco heron, Little egret, Cormorant, Marsh harrier, Montagu’s harrier (3f+2m), Steppe buzzard, Kestrel, Little crake, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Bar-tailed godwit. Below: Western yellow wagtail at Kalloni saltpans.

Continued: Common Sandpiper, Wood sandpiper, Common tern, Curlew sandpiper, Ruff, Collared Scops owl, pratincole, Sandwich tern, White-winged tern, Stock dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Yellow-legged gull, Hooded crow, Below: possible juvenile Steppe buzzard (note the narrow barring on the tail). 

Continued: Sombre tit, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Skylark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Cetti’s warbler, Chiffchaff, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Nightingale, Blackcap, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Wren, Garden warbler, wren, Blackbird, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Greenfinch, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Black headed bunting. Below: Little bittern.

30-04-24 Day 3

We checked out the Christou marshes pre-breakfast and had views of a Stone curlew and Purple heron. Afterwards we headed down the Tsiknias river and Lotzaria track before heading to Kalami marsh for Pygmy cormorant. Our next stop was at Achladeri forest and pools where we added Krüper’ s nuthatch, European serin, Wood sandpiper, Common snipe, Zitting cisticola and Great snipe (right) to our list.

Sightings 76 birds with 99 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Squacco heron, Grey heron, Purple heron, Stone curlew, Little egret, Common snipe, Collared pratincole, Pygmy cormorant, Short-toed snake eagle, Marsh harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Spur-winged lapwing, Great snipe, Greenshank, Subalpine warbler, Krüper’s Nuthatch. Below: Pygmy cormorant at Kalami marsh.

Continued: Scops owl, Hoopoe, Common swift, Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Hooded crow, Little stint, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Long-tailed tit, Willow warbler, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Zitting cisticola. Serin at Achladeri pools.

Continued: Wood sandpiper, Ruff, Yellow-legged gull, Common tern, Black tern, Stock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Blackbird, Nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Whinchat, Northern wheatear, Pied flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Serin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Black headed bunting and Middle spotted woodpecker. Below: Krüper’s Nuthatch at Achladeri forest.

01-05-24 Day 4

This morning on the Tsiknias river a Spotted crake was skulking around the undergrowth and 2 Little bittern were out in the open. At Kavaki lay-by we spotted Blue rock thrush (Right), Lesser whitethroat, Black-eared wheatear and Subalpine warbler while in Papiana we observed a pair of Long-eared owls. Finishing off at Kalloni pools we spotted our second Great snipe in as many days under a tree.

Sightings 67 birds with 113 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Mallard, Ruff, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Glossy ibis, Great white egret, Little egret, Cormorant, Short-toed snake eagle, Marsh harrier, Kestrel, Eleonora’s falcon, Spotted crake, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Grey plover. Below: Spotted crake breaking cover on the Tsiknias river.

Continued: Long-eared owl, Bee-eater, Common swift, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Golden oriole, Jay, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Blackbird, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Lesser whitethroat, Subalpine warbler. Subalpine warbler at the Kavaki lay-by.

Continued: Wood sandpiper, Little stint, Yellow-legged gull, Whiskered tern, Collared dove, Great snipe, Cirl bunting, Common nightingale, Barn owl, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, Blue rock thrush, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Black headed bunting, Sardinian warbler. Below: Adult Long-eared owl at Papiana.

02-05-24 Day 5

Today after visiting the Kalloni saltpans we headed to Sigri where we spotted Lesser Kestrel (right) Red-footed falcon and European roller. At Faneromeni we noted Collared flycatcher, Olivaceous warbler, Golden oriole (3 over) and Black-crowned night heron. Returning back we took the Petrified forest road and Ipsilou noting Isabelline, Black-eared and Northern wheatear along with Rock Nuthatch.

Sightings 79 birds with 131 for the trip to date including: Chukar, Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Ruff, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Black-crowned night heron, Grey heron, Little egret, Common buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Common kestrel, Red-footed falcon, Levant sparrowhawk, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Wood sandpiper, Little stint. Below: female Collared flycatcher at Faneromeni.

Continued: Golden oriole, Jay, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Greater short-toed lark, Crested lark, Skylark, Sand martin, House martin, Barn swallow, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Chiffchaff, Wood warbler, Sedge warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Icterine warbler, Blackcap, Lesser whitethroat, Common whitethroat, Eurasian wren, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Whinchat, Stonechat, Isabelline wheatear, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear. Below: Olivaceous warbler at Faneromeni.

Continued: Lesser black-backed gull, Rock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Roller, Bee-eater, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike. Blue rock thrush, Spotted flycatcher, Collared flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Corn bunting, Cinereous bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting, Yellow-legged gull. Below Rock nuthatch at Ipsilou monastery.

03-05-24 Day 6

This morning we drove the Kalloni saltpans where we had views of Marsh sandpiper and Temminck's stint (right). At the race track we observed a Greater short-toed lark. On Agriosikos track we had Bonelli's warbler, Eastern orphean warbler, Pied flycatcher, Whinchat and Common whitethroat. Returning along Tsiknias river we had views of Ruff, Wood sandpiper, Common sandpiper and Little stint.

Sightings 71 birds with 136 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little bittern, Little egret, Cormorant, Marsh harrier, Sparrowhawk, Common buzzard, Red-footed falcon, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Yellow-legged gull, Spur-winged lapwing, Little ringed plover, Marsh sandpiper, Common swift. Below: Marsh sandpiper at Kalloni saltpans.

Continued: Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Hooded crow, Great tit, Blue tit, Raven, Great short-toed lark, Willow warbler, Blackcap, Crested lark, Cetti’s warbler, Sedge warbler, Skylark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, Zitting cisticola, Reed warbler, Subalpine warbler, Wood sandpiper, Common sandpiper, Little stint, Temminck’s stint, Ruff, Common tern. Below: Eastern orphean warbler at Agriosikos.

Continued: Common whitethroat, House martin, Orphean warbler, Nightingale, Linnet, Wren, Bonelli’s warbler, Black-eared wheatear, Corn bunting, Chaffinch, Whinchat, Great reed warbler, Greenfinch, Olivaceous warbler, Blackbird, Stonechat, Goldfinch, Pied flycatcher, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Black headed bunting, White-winged tern, Stock dove, Collared dove. Below: Eastern bonelli's warbler at Agriosikos.

04-05-24 Day 7

Our first stop this morning was just down the road at the Kalloni pools where a Citrine wagtail had been reported, and on arrival the bird was showing well (right). From here went to Metochi lake and along Potamia valley where we spotted Crag martin and Olive tree warbler. Heading back through Kalloni saltpans we saw several Red-footed falcon's perching on utility cables and hawking the fields.

Sightings 69 birds with 140 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little bittern, Squacco heron, Grey heron, Little egret, Cormorant, Moorhen, Marsh harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Red-footed falcon, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Coot, Wood sandpiper, Jay, Little stint, Yellow-legged gull, Common tern. Below: a male Red-footed falcon perching on overhead wires near the salt stack.

Continued: Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Bee-eater, Sand martin, Barn swallow, Red-rumped swallow, House martin, Crag martin, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Reed warbler, Olive tree warbler, Blackcap, Common whitethroat, Subalpine warbler, Black-eared wheatear, Common nightingale. Olive tree warbler in Potamia valley.

Continued: Whiskered tern, Rock dove, Stock dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Crested lark, Hoopoe, Red-backed shrike. Spotted flycatcher, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Citrine wagtail, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, House sparrow, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting, Olivaceous warbler. Below: a Crag martin diving for insects over the water in the Potamia valley.

05-05-24 Day 8

Today we drove through Meladia valley to Sigri and Faneromeni noting Red-breasted flycatcher Short-toed snake eagle, Honey buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Palid swift, Wood warbler (right), Alpine swift, Rock sparrow, Rock nuthatch and Orphean warbler. During the day we recorded 6 species of buntings including Ortolan a passage migrant which doesn't breed on Lesvos (see addendum).

Sightings 87 birds with 149 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Squacco heron, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Black-crowned night heron, Little egret, Honey buzzard, Short-toed snake eagle, Marsh harrier, Montagu’s harrier, Levant sparrowhawk, Sparrowhawk, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser Kestrel, Grey heron, Coot, Moorhen, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Yellow-legged gull, Lesser black-backed gull. Below: Red-breasted flycatcher at the chapel in Meladia.

Continued: Rock dove, Stock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Alpine swift, Common swift, Palid swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Crested lark, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Wood sandpiper, Golden Oriole, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Skylark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Wood warbler, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Lesser whitethroat, Orphean warbler. Below: Short-toed snake eagle in Meladia.

Continued: Common whitethroat, Wren, Rock nuthatch, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Whinchat, Stonechat, Isabelline wheatear, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, Spotted flycatcher, Red-breasted flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Rock sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Citrine wagtail, Tawny pipit, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cinereous bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Ortolan bunting, Blackcap, Black headed bunting. Below: Honey buzzard in the Meladia valley.

06-05-24 Day 9

Today we headed to the Kalloni Saltpans where we noted Rufous-tailed bush robin, Collared pratincole and Dalmatian pelican (right). From here we went over to Achladeri pools and Alkoudi pools where we had views of Temminck's stint, Spotted redshank, Kentish plover and Curlew sandpiper. In the Olive groves we noted several Olive tree warbler. returning via the Saltpan we observed a Short-toed snake eagle.

Sightings 78 birds with 154 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Great crested grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little egret, Dalmatian pelican, Cormorant, Short-toed snake eagle, Marsh harrier, Montagu’s harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser Kestrel, Red-footed falcon, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Little tern, Common tern, Whiskered tern, White-winged tern, Black tern, Wood pigeon, Stock dove. Below: A Spotted redshank noted at Achladeri pools.

Continued: Collared dove, Alpine swift, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Hooded crow, Raven, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Whimbrel, Spotted redshank, Wood sandpiper, Common sandpiper, Little stint, Curlew sandpiper, Collared pratincole, Yellow-legged gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Goldfinch, Cinereous bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting. Below: Curlew sandpiper recorded at the Alkoudi pool.

Continued:  Great tit, Blue tit, Greater short-toed lark, Crested lark, Skylark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Olive tree warbler, Zitting cisticola, Lesser whitethroat, Subalpine warbler, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Whinchat, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Corn bunting, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch. Below: One of 8 Collared pratincole spotted on the Kalloni saltpans.

07-05-24 Day 10

Today we drove to Charamida and Loutra where we recorded Rüppell's warbler Sardinian warbler and Laughing dove (right). Over at the Dipi Larisos reedbeds we observed a Purple heron taking a large lizard while over at Agios Dimitris we had views of Short-toed treecreeper and Grey wagtail. Returning back via Perasma reservoir we noted Great spotted cuckoo, an odd looking Black stork and Sombre tits.

Sightings 72 birds with 163 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Teal, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Purple heron, Cormorant, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Little ringed plover, Wood sandpiper, Common sandpiper, Little stint, Ruff. Below: Rüppell’s Warbler recorded at Charamida.

Continued: Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Blue rock thrush, Serin, Black headed bunting, Collared pratincole, Yellow-legged gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Stock dove, Collared dove, Laughing dove, Great spotted cuckoo, Alpine swift, Common swift, Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike. Grey heron with a large lizard at the Dipi Larisos reedbeds.

Continued: Hooded crow, Raven, Sombre tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Jay, Crag martin, Sardinian warbler, Rüppell’s Warbler, Short-toed treecreeper, Blackbird, Robin, Common nightingale, Whinchat, Black-eared wheatear, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Grey wagtail, White wagtail, Red-throated pipit, Chaffinch. Below: Sardinian warbler spotted at Charamida.

08-05-24 Day 11

A great day starting at Ipsilou where we observed a a Levant Sparrowhawk followed by Marsh warbler, Little owl and Spotted flycatcher at Meladia valley. At Faneromeni we had Rufous-tailed scrub robin. On the road to the petrified forest we saw Isabelline wheatear and Rock sparrow (right). Returning to Skala Kalloni we observed a Bonelli's eagle circling above the road near the turn off to Ipsilou.

Sightings 87 birds with 167 for the trip to date including: Greater flamingo, Common shelduck, Little bittern, White stork, Ruddy shelduck, Chukar, Black-crowned night heron, Levant Sparrowhawk, Common buzzard,

Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Wood warbler, Great reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Marsh warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Blackcap, Blackbird, Lesser whitethroat, Orphean warbler. Below: Spotted flycatcher at the chapel in Meladia.

Continued: Long-legged buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Bonelli’s eagle, Lesser kestrel, Kestrel, Red-footed falcon, Eleonora’s falcon, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Wood sandpiper, Little stint, Yellow-legged gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Rock dove, Stock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Little owl, Alpine swift, Common swift, Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Black stork, Woodlark, Skylark. Below: Rufous-tailed bush robin at Faneromeni.

Continued: Crested lark, Subalpine warbler, Common nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Whinchat, Isabelline wheatear, Common whitethroat, Stonechat, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, Spotted flycatcher, Collared flycatcher, Red-breasted flycatcher, Spanish sparrow, Rock sparrow, Greenfinch, White wagtail, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Corn bunting, Cinereous bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, House sparrow, Tawny pipit, Black headed bunting. Below: Levant sparrowhawk at Ipsilou.

09-05-24 Day 12

This morning we headed along the Tsiknias river taking Lotzaria track to Kalloni saltpans where we observed a Long-legged buzzard being pursued by several Pied avocets, Ruddy turnstone, Greater short-toed lark (Right), European shag, Cormorant and Sandwich tern. Over at Potamia we noted Serin and Middle spotted woodpecker.

Sightings 81 birds with 169 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Black-crowned night heron, Grey heron, Great white egret, Little egret, European shag, Cormorant, Marsh harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Stone curlew, Little bittern, Black-winged stilt. Below: Ruddy turnstone at Kalloni saltpans.

Continued: Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Spotted redshank, Greenshank, Wood sandpiper, Ruddy turnstone, Little stint, Temminck’s stint, Ruff, Collared pratincole, Yellow-legged gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Sandwich tern, Little tern, Common tern, White-winged tern, Rock dove, Wood pigeon, Stock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Alpine swift, Common swift, Bee-eater, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike. European shags at the Kalloni saltpans.

Continued: Jay, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Greater short-toed lark, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Olive tree warbler, Zitting cisticola, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Whinchat, Spotted flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Chaffinch, Serin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Corn bunting, Cirl bunting, Cetti’s warbler, Black headed bunting. Below: Long-legged buzzard at Kalloni saltpans.

10-05-24 Day 13

Today we went to Metochi and the Potamia valley before returning to the saltpans spotting Peregrine falcon, Hobby, Cattle egret (right), Sombre tit and Middle spotted woodpecker. Later we called at the Mini soccer pitch in Kalloni for Scops owl before heading to Perasma where we Observed 3 Great spotted cuckoo's, a juvenile and an a pair of adults who was later observed mating in a nearby tree.

Sightings 82 birds with 172 for the trip to date Including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little bittern, Black-crowned night heron, Cattle egret, Grey heron, Purple heron, Great white egret, Little egret, Cormorant, Short-toed snake eagle, Marsh harrier, Common buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Hobby, Peregrine falcon. Below: Sombre tit at Potamia new Reservoir.

Continued: Little crake, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Spotted redshank, Wood sandpiper, Common sandpiper, Little stint, Ruff, Yellow-legged gull, Little tern, Common tern, Stock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Laughing dove, Great spotted cuckoo, Scops owl, Alpine swift, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Hooded crow. Middle spotted woodpecker at Potamia.

Continued: Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Greater short-toed lark, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, Crag martin, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Wren, Rock nuthatch, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Blue rock thrush, Spotted flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, White wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cirl bunting  and Black headed bunting. Below: Great spotted cuckoo's at Perasma.

11-05-24 Day 14

This morning we drove to the Kalloni saltpans and spotted Spur-winged lapwing, Dalmatian pelican and Spoonbill. A short drive took us to Messa where we spotted Serin and Little bittern in the Sanctuary. Our next stop was at Achladeri and Alkoudi noting Curlew sandpiper, Temminck's stint, Kentish plover and Greater flamingo along with Zitting cisticola, Red-rumped swallow and Common nightingale.

Sightings 72 birds with 173 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, White stork, Greater flamingo, Black stork, Eurasian spoonbill, Little bittern, Squacco heron, Grey heron, Purple heron, Dalmatian pelican, Cormorant, Marsh harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Kestrel, Eleonora’s falcon, Blackbird, Moorhen, Black-winged stilt. Kentish plover spotted at the Alkoudi pool.

Continued: Pied avocet, Coot, Spur-winged lapwing, Little ringed plover, Little egret, Kentish plover, Wood sandpiper, Little stint, Jay, Temminck’s stint, Curlew sandpiper, Collared pratincole, Yellow-legged gull, Little tern, Common tern, Ruff, Whiskered tern, Black tern, Stock dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Hooded crow, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin. Zitting cisticola (fan-tailed warbler) spotted at Achladeri pools.

Continued: Barn swallow, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Olive tree warbler, Zitting cisticola, House martin, Common nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Chaffinch, Serin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Raven, Cirl bunting and Black headed bunting. Below: Common nightingale spotted at Achladeri pools.

12-05-24 Day 15

Today we headed for Meladia, Faneromeni and Sigri adding Savi's warbler to the list after the bird dropped into bushes at Meladia ford and began to sing. At the Chapel Marsh warbler was singing and a Marsh harrier and an Eleonora's falcon passed through. Whinchat and Lesser whitethroat (right) were also noted along with a huge influx of Red-backed shrikes contributing to multiple sightings.

Sightings 83 birds with 174 for the trip to date included: Chukar, Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Greater flamingo, Black stork, Little egret, Short-toed snake eagle, Montagu’s harrier, Levant Sparrowhawk, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Kestrel, Eleonora’s falcon, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Kentish plover, White stork, Wood sandpiper, Yellow-legged gull, Rock dove, Stock dove, Collared dove, Little owl, Long-eared owl. Below: Whinchat recorded in the Meladia valley.

Continued: Little stint, Roller, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Raven, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Woodlark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Wood warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Savi’s warbler, Blackcap, Orphean warbler, Sardinian warbler, Wren, Rock nuthatch, Blackbird. Below: Eleonora's falcon recorded at the ford in Meladia valley.

Continued: Alpine swift, Common swift, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Whinchat, Isabelline wheatear, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, Blue rock thrush, Lesser whitethroat, Spotted flycatcher, Collared flycatcher, Pied flycatcher, Red-breasted flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Rock sparrow, Chaffinch, Linnet, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cinereous bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting, Common nightingale. Below: Marsh harrier quartering the fields at Meladia chapel.

13-05-24 Day 16

Our first stop today was Parakila marsh where we spotted Water rail, Greenshank (right) and Grey heron. At Makara we had views of European Roller, 40+ Alpine swift, Rock nuthatch, Little ringed plover and Little owl. At Potamia new reservoir we had Dalmatian pelican, Sombre tit and Olive tree warbler while at Metochi we noted Little Bittern, Squacco heron and Eleonora's falcon.

Sightings 83 birds with 175 for the trip to date including: Chukar, Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Little grebe, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little bittern, Squacco heron, Grey heron, Purple heron, Little egret, Dalmatian pelican, Cormorant, Sparrowhawk, Short-toed snake eagle, Marsh harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Kestrel, Eleonora’s falcon. Below: One of four Little owls at Makara.

Continued: Water rail, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Greenshank, Wood sandpiper, Common sandpiper, Little stint, Temminck’s stint, Ruff, Collared pratincole, Yellow-legged gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Little tern, Common tern, Stock dove, Collared dove, Scops owl, Little owl, Alpine swift, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Raven. One of 5 European roller at Makara.

Continued: Sombre tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Roller, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Olive tree warbler, Rock nuthatch, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Stonechat, Black-eared wheatear, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting. Below: One of the40+ Alpine swift seen at Makara.

14-05-24 Day 17

Today we headed for Kremasti and Napi valley where we had Turtle dove, Short-toed snake eagle, Great spotted cuckoo, Middle spotted woodpecker, Common buzzard and Long-legged buzzard. At Mandamados pond we saw Little bittern while back at Christou marsh we saw Caspian tern and Ringed plover. At the Saltpans we noted Montagu's harrier, Black stork (right) and White stork.

Sightings 80 birds with 177 for the trip to date Including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Squacco heron, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little bittern, Grey heron, Little egret, Dalmatian pelican, Ruff, Cormorant, Short-toed snake eagle, Montagu’s harrier, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Ringed plover, Little ringed plover, Wood sandpiper, Little stint. Below: White stork in the fields at the Kalloni saltpans.

Continued: Yellow-legged gull, Caspian tern, Little tern, Common tern, White-winged tern, Stock dove, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Great spotted cuckoo, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Lesser grey shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Hooded crow, Raven, Sombre tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin. Below: One of 20+ Turtle doves spotted in the Olive groves at Kremasti.

Continued: House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Blackcap, Blackbird, Olivaceous warbler, Zitting cisticola, Subalpine warbler, Rock nuthatch, Common nightingale, Stonechat, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, White wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cirl bunting Black headed bunting, Collared pratincole, Wren, Barn swallow. Below: Common buzzard at the Kalloni saltpans.

15-05-24 Day 18

This morning we went to Agriosikos where we noted Goshawk, Hobby, Short-toed snake eagle, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Hobby and 4 Eleonora's falcons including a dark Morph. Thrush nightingale, Bonelli's warbler and Short-toed treecreeper were also noted while back at the saltpans we had views of Collared pratincole, Wood sandpiper, Little stint and Ruff (right).

Sightings 70 birds with 179 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Common tern, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little egret, Short-toed snake eagle, Sparrowhawk, Goshawk, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Eleonora’s falcon, Hobby, Moorhen, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Wood sandpiper, Little stint, Ruff, Yellow-legged gull, Little tern, Stock dove, Collared dove. Below: Northern goshawk spotted over the Agriosikos track near Felia.

Continued: Hoopoe, Common swift, Bee-eater, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Raven, Sombre tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Long-tailed tit, Bonelli’s warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler. Below: A hawking Hobby over Agriosikos track near Felia.

Continued: Subalpine warbler, Wren, Short-toed treecreeper, Blackbird, Robin, Thrush nightingale, Common nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Spotted flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, White wagtail, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Corn bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting Black headed bunting, Olivaceous warbler, Scops owl. Below: Dark morph Eleonora's falcon over Agriosikos track near Felia.

16-05-24 Day19

Our first stop today was Parakila marsh where we spotted Water rail, Black-crowned night heron, Grey Heron, Purple heron and Ruddy shelduck. Over in Makara we recorded Little bittern, Rock nuthatch, Little ringed plover (right), Little stint and Yellow wagtail. At Lotzaria we noted a Rose coloured starling and on the Tsiknias river we had Greed reed warbler and Eurasian reed warbler.

Sightings 76 birds with 180 for the trip to date Including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Little bittern, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Black-crowned night heron, Squacco heron, Grey heron, Purple heron, Little egret, Dalmatian pelican, Cormorant, Short-toed snake eagle, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Kestrel, Water rail, Moorhen, Caspian tern. Below: one of 4 Grey heron's noted at Parakila marsh.

Continued: Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Spur-winged lapwing, Little ringed plover, Kentish plover, Wood sandpiper, Little stint, Ruff, Collared pratincole, Yellow-legged gull, Little tern, Common tern, Stock dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Raven, Sombre tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Sand martin, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Cirl bunting. Below: Black crowned night heron at Parakila marsh.

Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Rock nuthatch, Black-eared wheatear, Rose-coloured starling, Blackbird, Common nightingale, Stonechat, Northern wheatear, House sparrow, Spotted flycatcher, Spanish sparrow, Yellow wagtail, Chaffinch, Serin, Lesser whitethroat, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Corn bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Black headed bunting. Below: a Rose-coloured starling on Lotzaria track.

17-05-24 Day 20

This morning we went to Faneromeni and Sigri noting House martin and Red-rumped swallow collecting mud. At Meladia we spotted Stonechat (right), Lesser kestrel, Common kestrel, Short-toed snake eagle, Common buzzard, Orphean warbler and Common whitethroat. Along the road to the Petrified forest we recorded 4 Stone curlew and at Ipsilou we added a Eurasian nuthatch to our list.

Sightings 69 birds with 181 for the trip to date Including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Little bittern, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Squacco heron, Short-toed snake eagle, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser kestrel, Stone curlew, Black-winged stilt, Kestrel, Pied avocet, Little ringed plover, Grey heron, Wood sandpiper. Below: One of 4 Stone curlew on the road to the Petrified forest.

Continued: Lesser black-backed gull, Rock dove, Stock dove, Collared dove, Little stint, Common swift, Bee-eater, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Jackdaw, Hooded crow, Great tit, Cetti’s warbler, Sombre tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Sardinian warbler, Great reed warbler, Reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Lesser whitethroat, Orphean warbler, Raven, Common whitethroat, Nuthatch. Below: House martin's collecting mud at Sigri beach.

Continued: Common nightingale, Rufous-tailed scrub robin, Ruff, Whinchat, Stonechat, Isabelline wheatear, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, Spotted flycatcher, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Corn bunting, Cretzschmar’s bunting, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting, Blackbird, Yellow-legged gull. Below: Red-rumped swallow collecting mud at Sigri beach.

18-05-24 Day 21

On the Tsiknias we noted Squacco heron and Wood sandpiper (right) while over at Metochi lake a Little crake was showing well. On the Agriosikos track we saw Middle spotted woodpecker, Bonelli's warbler, Subalpine warbler, Sombre tit, Eurasian Nuthatch and Hawfinch a new bird for the list. At Kalloni Saltpans we noted Little stint, Black-winged stilts, Pied avocets, Ruff and Eurasian sparrowhawk.

Sightings 58 birds with 182 for the trip to date including: Common shelduck, Ruddy shelduck, Squacco heron, Greater flamingo, Black stork, White stork, Little bittern, Grey heron, Short-toed snake eagle, Sparrowhawk, Common buzzard, Long-legged buzzard, Eleonora’s falcon, Little crake, Black-winged stilt, Pied avocet, Wood sandpiper, Little stint. Below: Little crake recorded at Metochi lake.

Continued: Yellow-legged gull, Turtle dove, Collared dove, Common swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Hooded crow, Middle spotted woodpecker, Red-backed shrike, Woodchat shrike, Masked shrike, Jay, Raven, Sombre tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Crested lark, Barn swallow, House martin, Red-rumped swallow, Cetti’s warbler, Bonelli’s warbler, Great reed warbler. Below: Squacco heron with breakfast at Tsiknias river lower ford.

Continued: Eurasian reed warbler, Olivaceous warbler, Subalpine warbler, Chaffinch, Eurasian Nuthatch, Ruff, Blackbird, Common nightingale, House sparrow, Spanish sparrow, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Hawfinch, Corn bunting, Blackcap, Cirl bunting, Black headed bunting. Below: Black-winged stilt at the saltpans.


Below are the 6 species of Buntings recorded during our trip:

Below are the 4 species of Shrikes recorded during our trip:

Below are the 3 species of wheatears recorded during our trip:

Below are the 7 species of Terns recorded during our trip:

Other: Hedgehog, Squirrel, Crab, Stripe-necked terrapin, Frog, Green lizard, Starred agama and Glass lizard.

Butterflies: Spotted fritillary, Scarce swallowtail, Swallowtail, Balkan marble white, Eastern rock grayling, Painted lady, Cardinal, Ilex hairstreak, Holly blue, Common blue, Small copper and Knapweed fritillary.

Invertebrates: Hummingbird hawk moth, Thread lacewing, White-legged damselfly, Violet dropwing, Conehead mantis, Tiger moth caterpillar, Egyptian grasshopper and Red-backed jumping spider.

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